The University of Bucharest steps towards digitalization through the EDIS project. Trainings dedicated to the development of digital competencies for the UB academic community – teaching staff, students and administrative staff

The University of Bucharest steps towards digitalization through the EDIS project. Trainings dedicated to the development of digital competencies for the UB academic community – teaching staff, students and administrative staff

Wednesday, February 28th 2024, the EDIS project team organized an introductive session concerning the digital competencies development courses for the UB members who are coordinating the 16 study programs targeted by the project.

The workshop, hosted in the “Ioan Mihăilescu” Amphitheatre at the Rectorate of the University of Bucharest, was moderated by professor Lucian Ciolan, PhD, vice-rector responsible for the general coordination of the project, and associate professor Cosmin Olteanu, PhD, teaching staff at the Faculty of Business and Administration and manager of the EDIS project.

The discussion started with a short presentation of the objectives of the EDIS-UB project regarding the increase of the quality of education services and of the efficiency and performance from a digital perspective. As a result of the implementation of the EDIS project, a number of thirteen study programs will be revised and improved in order to capitalize the modern methods and techniques facilitated by the digital context, a recently created program will be consolidated and, not last, two new study programs have been created to ensure the transition towards a digitalized education.

Next, the representatives of the study programs included in the EDIS project were presented with more details concerning the project actions which will facilitate the transformation of teaching, learning and evaluation, by adopting digital educational technologies. They also received insight about the development of new ways of learning, more autonomous and collaboration-oriented.

Lecturer Mariana Chioncel, PhD, EDIS program coordinator, attended  the introductory session next to Anca Ileana, PhD, director of the UB IT&C Department and technical expert for the EDIS training programs who, along lecturer Simona Iftimescu, PhD, teaching staff of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, highlighted the results of the analysis which formed the basis of the structure of the digital competencies training for the members of the UB academic community.

Creating digital competencies addresses all categories of beneficiaries in the project’s target group – teaching staff, students and administrative staff – and the objective of training digital competencies is reached both by dedicated training programs and “user” training programs, included in activities regarding digital infrastructure for education purchased in the program.

The EDIS-UB project aims to develop a digital ecosystem focused on sustainable education, establishing as top priority the instruction of teaching staff, students and administrative staff in efficiently using digital technologies in current activity. All the actions unreeled within the program are built on the European Frame for Digital Competences for Educators– DigCompEdu   (essential instrument for professors across the whole Europe, facilitating their digital abilities to respond to the evolution in the educational field), the Digital Frame for Citizens’ Digital Competencies – DigComp (essential instrument for promoting the improvement of digital competencies of European citizens).

The project has a gradual, progressive approach in forming digital competencies, which accesses the existing and currently extended technological infrastructure by new acquisitions in the project, in different degrees of complexity and technological level. In what concerns the digital development trainings at the University of Bucharest, three directions have been laid out:

  1. Training courses in emerging technologies. The courses will be integrated in five micro-programs which will form part of the curriculum of optional study programs. As part of the courses, professors will be trained to become instructors for their own colleagues as well as for students, in the 16 programs the EDIS project addresses:
    • Program I – Developing digital competencies for emerging technologies
    • Program II – Auditing AI systems
    • Program III – Entrepreneurship in Metaverse and Web 3.0
    • Program IV – The analysis and design of user interfaces
    • Program V – Evaluating information systems
  2. Training courses in using MS365, Moodle and other applications used in the administrative and educational process which comprise:
    • A training course for instructors in digital competencies corelated with DigComp and Dig CompEdu standards
    • In-depth training for using IT&C tools from the MS 365 Platform
    • Courses for the adoption of MS365 facilities in current activity
  3. Training courses in digital pedagogy, which aim to train professors in using digital technologies using the DigCompEdu standard as a reference. These classes will be able to use the infrastructures of the five innovative pedagogy laboratories currently under construction.

Each of the three training categories addressed to the academic community of the University of Bucharest will contribute to a better management of the Virtual University Space which is being implemented at the University of Bucharest through the EDIS project. Thus, the classes are a follow-up of the previous initiatives of the EDIS-UB project to equip UB libraries and Secretaries’ offices and establish a new digital microscopy laboratory at the UB Faculty of Biology, on which you can find out more here and here.

The Rector of the University of Bucharest, Marian Preda, said: The main vector of digital transformation of our university is the level of digital competencies of those involved: professors, students, administrative staff. Equipment is important, but more essential are the human abilities to put them at work, to create relevant learning experiences, with a strong impact in training future professionals.

The project “Digital ecosystem for sustainable learning at the University of Bucharest – EDIS-UB”, project code 1828329254, with a total value of 43.997.550 lei, is implemented over a period of three years (September 16th 2022 – December 31st 2025) and is financed through the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, component C:15, reform 5: “Adopting the legislative frame for digitalizing education”.


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