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Andrei Nae is Lecturer at the University of Bucharest where zie teaches the MA course "Video Games and Cultural Identity" alongside the elective courses "Understanding Narrative Communication in Video Games" and "Ideology in post-1945 Subaltern British Fiction." Zie also teaches seminars in twentieth-century and contemporary English literature. Nae's main research interest lies at the intersection of game studies, cultural studies, and narratology. So far zie has been involved in several research projects, the most important being “Colonial Discourse in Video Games,” where zie held the position of principal investigator. Some of zir most relevant publications include the monograph Immersion, Narrative, and Gender Crisis in Survival Horror Video Games published by Routledge in 2021, the article “From Saviour to Colonial Perpetrator: Manipulating Player Empathy in Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill Origins” featured in the 2022 special issue Gaming and Affect hosted by Parallax, as well as the upcoming collective volume Colonial Intersections in Video Games that will be published by De Gruyter in 2025. Zie is currently a fellow at the Institute of Research of the University of Bucharest where she leads the research project "Ideological Consonance in Video Games."