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Last publications
- Zawilińska, B., Nestorová Dická, J., Matei, E. , Švajda, J, Łapczyński, M., Majewski, K., Megyeri, B., Călin, AC., Gessert, A., 2023.Applying Q-methodology to investigate the perception of the social and economic role of the national park by local stakeholders. Cases of national parks in the Carpathians, Journal for Nature Conservation, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnc.2023.126459.
- Nicolaie, D., Matei, E., Cooley, T.J., Vijulie, I., Cushing, D., Truțescu M.N., 2023. National geniuses’ heritage as potential for the development of cultural tourism in Romania Acta geographica Slovenica, 63-1, 35–54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3986/AGS.11032 (join as first author).
- Vijulie, I., Lequeux-Dincă, AI.,Preda, M., Mareci, A., Matei, E. 2022. Could Lavender Farming Go from a Niche Crop to a Suitable Solution for Romanian Small Farms? Land 11 (5), 662, https://doi.org/10.3390/land11050662, Equal contributions.
- Matei, E., Ilovan, O. R., Sandu, Ch. B., Dumitrache, L., Istrate, M., Jucu, I.S., Gavrilidis A. A. 2021, Early Covid-19 pandemic impacts on society and environment in Romania. Perception among population with higher education, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol 20(2), 319-330, http://www.eemj.icpm.tuiasi.ro/
- Vijulie,I., Lequeux–Dincă, A.I., Preda, M., Mareci, A. Matei, E., Cuculici, R., Taloș AM. 2021. Certeze Village: The Dilemma of Traditional vs. Post-Modern Architecture in Țara Oașului, Romania, Sustainability, 13(20), 1-21, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132011180, (contributie egala)
- Vijulie I., Preda M.Lequeux – Dincă A. I., Cuculici R., Matei E., Mareci, A., Manea G., Tudoricu A., 2019. Danube Floodplain’s restoration: economic productivity vs ecological protection. Case study: Danube’s sector between Olt and Vedea, Sustainability 2019, 11, (22); https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226391, contributie egala) WOS:000503277900204
- Nae, M., Dumitrache, L., Suditu, B., Matei, E., 2019. Housing Activism Initiatives and Land-Use Conflicts: Pathways for Participatory Planning and Urban Sustainable Development in Bucharest City, Romania, Sustainability 2019, 11(22); https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226211, (contributie egala) WOS:000503277900024
- Matei, E., Saghin, D., Dumitrache, L., Nae, M., 2018. Multidimensional Approach on Sustainability of Ageing in Romanian Residential Care Centres for Elders, Sustainability, 2018,10, 3336; doi:10.3390/su10093336 www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability.
- Saghin, D., Matei, E., Manea, G., Cojocaru, I., Cocos, O. 2017, The Hutsuls in South Bukovina: from Rural Tradition to Sustainable Development, Eastern European Countryside, vol. 23, p. 119-146. (Clarivate Analytics - Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Clarivate Analytics - Social Sciences Citation Index, Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science), Link (* joined as first author)
- Matei, E., Luches, D., Efors, V., Saghin, D., 2017. Prediction Model on Asbestos Use as a Risk Factor for the Respiratory System Cancer in Communities from Northern Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol. 12. Nr 2, p. 395 – 402.
- Matei, E., Cocoş, O., Manea, G., Vijulie, I., 2015.Social perception of passive pollution by asbestos in Darabani town, Botoşani County, Romania, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol 14. Nr 5, p. 1137-1142, (Science Citation Index Expanded, Thomson Reuters Master Journal List, Web of Science, SCOPUS, EBSCO).
- Matei, E., Vijulie, I., Manea, G., Tîrlă, L., Deszi, Ş., 2014. Changes in the Romanian Carpathian tourism after the communism collapse and the domestic tourists' satisfaction, Acta Geographica Slovenica, 54: 2, p.335-334, ISSN: 1581-8314, (Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, EBSCO).
- Matei, E., Dumitrache, L., Manea, G., Cocos, O., Mihalache, C., 2013. Begging Phenomenon in Bucharest City: Dimensions and Patterns of Expression, Revista de cercetare si de interventie sociala, Iasi, Vol 43 (4) p. 61-79, (Social Sciences Citation Index, ISI databases, SCOPUS, CEEOL).
- Vijulie, I., Matei, E., Manea, G., Cocoş, O., Cuculici, R., 2012. The assessment of agricultural land fragmentation in Romania. Case Study: Izvoarele commune, Olt County, Acta Geographica Slovenica, 52-1, p. 403–430, (Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, EBSCO), (correspondent)
- Astrid Björnsen Gurung, Anita Bokwa, Wojciech Chełmicki, Marine Elbakidze, Manuela Hirschmugl, Patrick Hostert, Pierre Ibisch, Jacek Kozak, Tobias Kuemmerle, Elena Matei, Katarzyna Ostapowicz, Joanna Pociask-Karteczka, Lars Schmidt, Sebastian van der Linden, Marc Zebisch, 2009.Global Change Research in the Carpathian Mountains, Mountain Research Development Journal, 29:3, p. 282–288, Online ISSN: 1994-7151 doi 10.1659/mrd.1105, (Science Citation Index, Journal Citation Reports, GEOREF), (contributie egala)
PhD coordinator: tourism, tourismand sustinable development, teaching geography
Last books:
- Matei Elena 2020, Didactica geografiei, Note de curs, Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 978-606-28-1077-1, (200 p).
- Matei Elena, 2016, Turism şi dezvoltare durabilă, Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, 978-606-28-0530-2, (200 p).
- Matei Elena, 2015, Ecoturism, Editura Universitară, Bucureşti, ISBN: 978-606-591-129-1. (editia a III-a), (196 p).
- Matei Elena, 2014, Services de santé et satisfaction des pacients: le cas du departement d’Ilfov. In Migrations en blanc. Médecins d’est en ouest, Anna Krasteva, Despina Vasilcu, Harmattan Edition, France, ISBN: 978-2-343-03831-5, p. 101-118, (18 p).
- Matei Elena, Nicolaie Daniela, 2014, Cultural heritage of the Romanian historical cities and the perspectives of sustainable tourism development in the early 21st century, in Enhancing competitiveness of V4 historic cities to develop tourism. Aspects of cultural heritage, eds. Robert Faracik, Krzysztof Widawski, Kiadta a DIDAKT Kft., Debrecen, Felelős kiadó: a DIDAKT Kft. Ügyvezetője, Nyomdai munkák: Center-Print Kft., Debrecen, ISBN: 978-615-5212-26-0, p.125-140, (16p).
Sustainable Development and Tourism
Ecology of Tourism Services
Geography of Human Habitats
Sustainable Development and The EU Environmental Policy
Teaching Geography