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Teaching: Environmental Geography, Green Infrastructures, Environmental Protection, Environmental Conservation
Research projects:
- Evaluating the role of nature-based innovations for healthy cities (HealthyNature), PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0316, UEFISCDI, 2020-2022, Project Coordinator
- Developing novel collaborative planning approaches to increase cities sustainability (CoPlan), PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1009, UEFISCDI, 2020-2022, Researcher
- Benefits and constraints of joint decision making in Romania. From public participation to collaborative Environmental Impact Assessment (CoEIA), PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-1039 UEFISCDI, 2020-2022, Researcher
- Nature-based solutions for increasing cities resilience and sustainability (NaturB), PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2016-0635, UEFISCDI, 2017-2019, Researcher
Relevant publications:
- Niță M.R., Mitincu C.G., Niță A. (2023), A river runs through it? Exploring the contestation of Environmental Impact Assessment procedures for small hydropower projects, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 96, 102943
- Mitincu C.G., Niță M.R., Hossu C.A., Iojă I.C., Niță A. (2023), Stakeholders’ involvement in the planning of nature-based solutions: A network analysis approach, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 14, 2023, Pages 69-79, ISSN 1462-9011
- Stoia N.L., Nita M.R., Popa A.M., Ioja I.C. (2022) The green walk—An analysis for evaluating the accessibility of urban green spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 75: 127685,
- Niță MR, et al. (2021), Using Social Media Data to Evaluate Urban Parks Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(20):10860.
- Kronenberg J., Haase A., Łaszkiewicz E., Antal A., Baravikova A., Biernacka M., Dushkovae D., Filčak R., Haasee D., Ignatieva M., Khmara Y., Niţă M.R., Onose D.A. (2020). Environmental justice in the context of urban green space availability, accessibility, and attractiveness in postsocialist cities. Cities, 106, 102862.
- Iojă I.C., Niță M.R., Hossu C.A., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., Cheval S., Popa A.M., Mitincu C.G. (2020) Soluții verzi pentru orașele din România, Ed. Ars Docendi, București
- Gavrilidis A.A., Popa A.M., Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Badiu D.L., (2020), Planning the “unknown”: Perception of urban green infrastructure concept in Romania, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 51, 126649.
- Niță M.R., Badiu D.L., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Gradinaru S.R., Nastase I.I., Lafortezza R. (2018) Using local knowledge and sustainable transport to promote a greener city: The case of Bucharest, Romania, Environmental Research, 160: 331-338.
- Niță M.R., Onose D.A., Gavrilidis A.A., Badiu D.L., Năstase I.I. (2017), Infrastructuri verzi pentru o planificare urbană durabilă, Ed. Ars Docendi, București
- Raymond C.M., Frantzeskaki N., Kabisch N., Berry P., Breil M., Nita M.R., Geneletti D., Calfapietra C. (2017), A framework for assessing and implementing the co-benefits of nature-based solutions in urban areas. Environmental Science & Policy 77: 15-24.