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Prof. Raluca Radu is a media academic at the University of Bucharest, working here since 2002. She has a PhD in Communication Studies (University of Bucharest, FJSC, 2009), a Masters degree in Communication Studies (University of Bucharest, FJSC, 2001) and a Bachelor degree in Journalism (University of Bucharest, FJSC, 2000). Radu had an Erasmus grant for studying in Sweden (MidSweden University, Erasmus, 2001), and was a visiting fellow in Denmark (Aarhus School of Business, CIRIUS, 2003), in Switzerland (Universita della Svizzera italiana, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2014), in Italy (European University Institute, 2022) and in Germany (Center for Advanced Internet Studies, 2022).
Since 2016, she has been a PhD coordinator in Communication Studies, at the Doctoral School In Communication Studies of the University of Bucharest, and since 2023, a PhD coordinator in the Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies, UB. Between 2010 and 2023, she was an academic manager at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies, as Director of Dinstance Learning, Scientific Secretary, Vice-dean, and Director of the Journalism Department (two consecutive mandates).
Raluca Radu was part of several research teams, as research member or research leader, in national and international projects such as:
- Digital News Report - Romania (since 2016; coordinator of the Romanian team) - the largest international, multiannual research of the news consumption of digital audiences, coordinated by the Reuters Institute at the University of Oxford
- GEMINI (Gender Equality through Media Investigation and New training Insights) (2022-2024; coordinator of the Romanian team) - a research and teaching instruments elaboration project, focused on young adults' perceptions of gender equality in TV series, coordinated by Link University, Italy
- NewsReel 2 / Erasmus + (2020-2023; member of the team led by assoc. prof. Antonia Matei, PhD) - a project dedicated to the research and development of new courses for journalism students and professional journalists, coordinated by the University of Pecs, Hungary. The Romanian team developed two courses, on Fake News and on Debunking disinformation.
- NewsReel 1 / Erasmus + (2017-2020; coordinator of the Romanian team) - a project dedicated to the research and development of new courses for journalism students and professional journalists, coordinated by the University of Pecs, Hungary. The Romanian team did the course of Journalism and data visualization.
- Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories (COMPACT) - COST Action CA 15101 (2016-2020, member of the research team) - a COST project dedicated to the interdisciplinary analysis of conspiracy theories in Europe.
Selected publications:
- Radu, RN. (coord.) (2023). Date în imagini puternice. Un manual pentru narațiuni vizuale (Data in powerful images. A textbook for visual narratives), Iași: Polirom, ISBN 978-973-46-9396-2.
- Radu, RN (2023). How I learned to hate you. Parasocial interactions in echo chambers and their spillover effects. methaodos.Revista De Ciencias Sociales, 11(1), m231101a01. https://doi.org/10.17502/mrcs.v11i1.598.
- Imhoff, R., et alii – incl. Radu, RN (2022). Conspiracy mentality and political orientation across 26 countries. Nature human behaviour, 6(3), pp. 392-403. ISSN 2397-3374. WOS:000743464200001. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01258-7.
- Radu, RN. (translation coord.) (2021) Jurnalism, fake news și dezinformare. Translation of Journalism, fake news and disinformation, UNESCO, ISBN 978-92-3-000134-6.
- Fengler et alii – incl. Radu, RN (2020). The Ukraine conflict and the European media: A comparative study of newspapers in 13 European countries. Journalism. Theory, Practice and Criticism, 21 (3), pp. 399-422. ISSN 1741-3001. WOS:000525731800007. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884918774.
- Radu, RN. (2019). Externalities and Journalism. In The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies, John Wiley & Sons, Online ISBN: 978-111-884-1570. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118841570.iejs0073.
- Radu, RN. (2016). Sanctioning journalistic misconduct. An application of cumulative prospect theory on journalistic self-regulation issues. Journalism. Theory, Practice and Criticism, 17 (8), pp. 1095-1112. ISSN 1741-3001. WOS:000386688800009. https://doi.org/10.1177/1464884915597166.
- Fengler et alii – incl. Radu, R, (2015). How effective is media self-regulation? Results from a comparative survey of European journalists. European Journal of Communication, Vol. 30(3), pp. 249–266. ISSN 1460-3705. WOS:000356226600001. https://doi.org/10.1177/02673231145610.
- Radu, RN. (coord.) (2015). Deontologia comunicării publice (Public Communication Ethics). Iași: Polirom, ISBN 978-973-46-4693-7.
- Radu, RN. & Preoteasa, M. (2012). Economia mass-media (Media Economics). Iaşi: Polirom, ISBN 978-973-46-2264-1.
- Radu, RN. (2011). Instituţii culturale în tranziţie. Despre creativitate în jurnalismul şi cinematografia din România, după 1944 (Romanian cultural institutions in transition). Bucureşti: Nemira, ISBN 978-606-57-9170-1.
The Google Scholar profile, with a complete list of publications, may be found here.
For more details, please visit https://ralucanradu.wordpress.com/