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Important Note. Many of the published works (studies and volumes) are available in PDF format on the webpages of Academia, Research Gate și ORCID.
They are updated several times every year.
Main fields of activity:
• The Czech language: studying Czech, levels of competence, grammar, translations.
• General Slavic studies, Slavic etymology, Romanian-Slavic relations.
• Linguistics. Slavic and Indo-European linguistics. Non-Indo-European languages. The Pre-Indo-European (‘Mediterranean’) heritage of Europe. Relations with the Uralic and Altaic languages. ‘Nostratic’ linguistics.
• Southeast European onomastics.
• Linguistic Thracology.
• Old civilisations of Southeast Europe. Neolithic and Chalcolithic symbols.
• Software Resources. I have created a series of keyboard layouts for the study of various languages, among these 3 keyboard layouts for Old Cyrillic, Glagolitic and Slavic Linguist, respectively. There are alternative keyboard layouts for Romanian, Czech, Old Italic languages and linguistic transcription. They are for macOS. For Old Church Slavonic, Gé van Gasteren created also a Windows version. These keyboard layouts may be downloaded from here.
• The use of Macintosh computers.
Studies and volumes
Author of numerous volumes in the field of linguistics: Bohemistic studies, Slavic linguistics, Romanian-Slavic relations, substratum languages – mainly southeast European substratum languages.
Translator from Czech, English, French, occasionally from other languages too.
Participated in many conferences and symposia. Many works are available as PDF files on the personal webpages: academia.edu and researchgate.net. Others are covered by copyright law and are available at the publishers, e.g. Editura Universității din București. For other titles please send an e-mail or letter.
Activities with other professional associations
• Member of the Romanian Slavic Association (Asociaţiei Slaviştilor din România). Vice-chair from 2002 to 2006, re-elected in the same function in 2017.
• Member of the Romanian Writers Union (Uniunii Scriitorilor din România), Bucharest branch, department of translators (Traducători).
• Chair of Societas Romano-Bohemica for promoting the study of Czech language and culture in Romania and abroad.
• Co-operated with Medieval Unicode Font Initiative (MUFI); took part in various international projects, e.g the project co-ordinated by Michael Everson.