On Friday 11 Dec 2020, the CIVIS open lab in Madrid will host a webinar on service-learning. The free online event is opened to all CIVIS partners and will focus on the methodology and key guidelines to design and implement service-learning activities within the Open Lab projects and educational programmes.
If in the second half of the 20th century, universities were characterized by more economic than civic approaches, in this first part of the 21st century it is necessary to give prominence to the third mission of the University: its social responsibility. Universities can and should train future professionals through experiential learning practices that develop social commitment, and which respond to community problems and to the sustainable development goals.
Service-learning is an experiential educational method in which students participate in activities that address human, social and environmental needs from the perspective of social justice, integrating community service with the curriculum to enrich learning in any university degree, teach civic responsibility and strengthen communities through action and critical reflection
This teaching methodology allows for connecting students and universities with society to maintain and develop democracy and healthy levels of social capital within the European context. Service-learning is a key approach in terms of incorporating a culture of political and civic literacy among the student population within higher education. There is abundant scientific evidence that this practice results in significant benefits for the student, the faculty, the university itself, and the community.
This webinar, hosted by the CIVIS Open Lab in Madrid, is intended to introduce the conceptual basis of this learning methodology as well as key aspects for the design and implementation of Service-Learning activities for both university-stakeholders cooperation, to facilitate the development of projects within CIVIS Open Labs, as well as for CIVIS educational programs design.
Further details, as well as the final programme of the webinar are available here.
We welcome everyone who is interested in attending this free event to register through this link by Thursday 10 December 2020. A link with instructions to join the event will be sent to the registered participants.