On Wednesday, February 19, 2020, the University of Bucharest, through the Interdisciplinary School of Doctoral Studies, organized the conference “The Bucharest Guide to Masculinity. A Study of Gender Displays”. The university lecture was sustained by professor Cosima Rughiniș and it took place at 18:00 in “Ion Mihăilescu” Amphitheater in the new Rectorate of the University of Bucharest.
Within the conference, professor Cosima Rughiniș was proposed the participants a discussion about the “seen, but unobserved” lessons offered by masculinity and femininity, starting from how genre is illustrated in the advertising printed materials.
Although ubiquitous, we pay too little attention to commercials. We are surrounded by countless advertising materials that invite us to buy different things, inducing this necessity by presenting ideal life scenes.
What we discover when we start analyzing this advertisements? What are the most important messages that they convey and how they can vary depending on the industry or brand?
Cosima Rughiniș is a teacher at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance of the University of Bucharest and the director of the Doctoral School of Sociology. Her research interests include genre representations, algorithmic discrimination and hybrid forms of knowledge.
The conference is organized within the interdisciplinary research groups Mind, Language and Cognition and Complex Systems Disentanglement through Data Analysis.