The faculties of the University of Bucharest open the new academic year of 2024-2025

The faculties of the University of Bucharest open the new academic year of 2024-2025

The 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest open, starting Monday, September 30th 2024, the academic year of 2024-2025, through a series of events that bring in front the students diplomats, personalities from various fields, professors of the University of Bucharest and also renowned members of the Romanian socio-cultural community.

Each of the 19 faculties of the University of Bucharest will organize the opening ceremony following their own schedule.

Monday, September 30th 2024, is the day the majority of the faculties of the University of Bucharest organize events marking the opening of the new academic year of 2024-2025:

The Faculty of Business and Administration organizes the opening festivity of the new academic year of 2024-2025 in Amphitheatre R3 Nicolae Teclu of the Faculty of Chemistry (4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd.) starting 4 PM. The festivity will be marked by the presence of the Rector of the University of Bucharest, professor Marian Preda, PhD, associate professor Ana-Maria Vlăsceanu, UB vice-rector for Legislation, conformity, work affairs and public acquisitions, professor Magdalena Iordache-Platis, PhD, UB vice-rector for Students, quality management, sustainability and social responsibility, and professor Răzvan-Mihail Papuc, PhD, UB vice-rector for Infrastructure, administration and patrimony. The Mayor of Bucharest also announced his attendance at the event.

The Faculty of Biology awaits its students at the opening festivity of the new university year in Amphitheatre Dimitrie Brandza of the Faculty of Biology (3 Aleea Portocalelor), starting 12 AM.

The Faculty of Chemistry organizes the debut of the 2024-2025 academic year in Amphitheatre R3 Nicolae Teclu of the faculty (4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd.) starting 2 AM. UB vice-rector for Research, professor Carmen Chifiriuc, PhD, will attend the event.

The Faculty of Law awaits its students at the opening festivity of the new university year in the Aula Magna of the faculty (36-46 Mihail Kogălniceanu Blvd.) starting 10 AM. Opening speeches will be held by professor Marian Preda, PhD, rector of the University of Bucharest, associate professor Claudiu-Paul Buglea, PhD, President of the UB Senate, and also a series of diplomats, personalities in the field of law and connected fields or representatives of the students. The full program of the events organized by the Faculty of Law on the occasion of the opening of the new university year is available here.

The Faculty of Philosophy organizes the opening event of the new academic year of 2024-2025 in Amphitheatre Titu Maiorescu of the Faculty (204 Splaiul Independenței) starting 12 AM. Professor Bogdan Murgescu, PhD, UB vice-rector for Budgeting and Human Resources, and academician Mircea Dumitru, who will sustain a presentation titled What can we do nowadays with the truth? – between post-truth and paradox, have both announced their presence at the event. Details regarding the opening festivity of the new university year organized by the Faculty of Philosophy are available here.

The Faculty of Physics awaits students at the opening festivity of the new university year in the Aula of the Faculty (405 Atomiștilor Street, Măgurele), starting 10 AM. During the event, PhD Florin Buzatu, General Director of the Institute of Atomic Physics, will hold a presentation titled 70 years of CERN and the contribution of Romanian researchers to the CERN experiments. The full program of the opening event of the new academic year at the Faculty of Physics is available here.

The Faculty of Geography organizes the opening event of the new university year of 2024-2025 in Amphitheaters George Vâlsan and Simion Mehedinți (1 Nicolae Bălcescu Blvd.) starting 10 AM. The attendants will have the opportunity to hear the speeches in person, from the amphitheater, or from the amphitheatre next to it, by means of the equipment purchased within the EDIS program. Details regarding the opening festivity of the new university year organized by the Faculty of Geography are available here.

The Faculty of Geology and Geophysics awaits students at the opening festivity in Amphitheatre PA Ludovic Mrazec of the Faculty (1 Nicolae Bălcescu) starting 10 AM.

The faculty of History organizes the opening event of the 2024-2025 academic year on the 5th Floor of the Politehnica Business Tower (15 Iuliu Maniu Bldv.) starting 10 AM. The full program of the events organized by the Faculty of History in the context of the opening of the new university year is available here.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures organizes opening events for each of its programs. Details regarding the opening festivities of the new university year organized by the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures are available here.

The Faculty of Letters organizes opening events for the new university year for each of its programs, and more information on the opening ceremonies of the Faculty of Letters is available here.

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science awaits students at the opening festivity of the new university year in Amphitheatre R3 Nicolae Teclu of the Faculty of Chemistry (4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd.) starting 10 AM. Several guests have announced their presence at the ceremony: professor Laura Comănescu, UB vice-rector for Study programs and student practice, Sorin Ion, state secretary in the Ministry of Education, as well as Nicușor Dan, Mayor of Bucharest.

Given the unfavorable weather conditions, the festivities organized by the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences on Monday, September 30th  2024, will be postponed. Updated information will be available here.

The Faculty of Sociology and Social Work will organize the opening festivity in the green spaces of the Panduri Campus (90 Panduri Street) starting 12 AM.

The Faculty of Political Sciences organizes opening events for the new university year of 2024-2025 in Amphitheatre Ioan Mihăilescu at the UB Rectorate (90 Panduri Street) for each of its study programs. Details regarding the opening festivities at the Faculty of Political Sciences are available here.

The Faculty of Baptist Theology organizes the opening event of the new university year at the faculty’s headquarters (29 Berzei Street), starting 10 AM.

The Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology awaits students at the opening moment of the new academic year, starting 11 AM, at the Saint Liturgy held at Saint Joseph Cathedral (19 General H. M. Berthelot Street). Following the service, the Aula Magna of the Faculty will host the opening festivity. The full program of the events organized by the faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology in the context of the opening of the new university year is available here.

The Faculty of Orthodox Theology Justinian the Patriarch organizes the opening ceremony of the new academic year Tuesday, October 1st 2024, when, starting 9 AM, the Liturgy will be offered at Saint Catherine Church (4 Sfânta Ecaterina Street). The Liturgy will be followed by an official festivity held in Amphitheatre Ioan G. Coman of the Faculty (2-4 Sfânta Ecaterina Street), starting 11.30 AM.

The Faculty of Journalism and Communication Studies will also organize the opening festivity for the new 2024-2025 academic year on Tuesday, October 1st 2024, in Amphitheatre R3 Nicolae Teclu of the Faculty of Chemistry  (4-12 Regina Elisabeta Blvd.) starting 11 AM.


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