The registration form can be accessed HERE.
The University of Bucharest organizes The Summer Courses in Romanian Language, Culture and Civilization, during 21 July – 4 August 2024 (21 July and 4 August are for participants’ arrival, and departure respectively; the effective days for classes are between 22 July – 3 August 2024).
Founded by the renowned linguist Alexandru Rosetti in the ‘60s, in Sinaia, and coordinated for several years by professor Boris Cazacu, the University of Bucharest Summer School is the oldest academic initiative in Romania meant to promote Romanian language and culture abroad. For more than half a century, the University of Bucharest Summer Courses have gained recognition and prestige due to the participation of many reputed Romanian and foreign professors and academicians, as well as of distinguished scholars and artists.
Our Intensive Romanian Language Courses are designed using the communicative approach to language teaching, which means that vocabulary and grammar notions will be constantly put in relation with interactive purposes. In other words, our goal is not to insist on the theoretical knowledge of grammar, but on the students’ ability to communicate in everyday life. At the same time, the students will become familiar with the main speech acts (how to formulate apologies, thanking, congratulating, complimenting, giving advice, expressing an emotion, etc.) and with the Romanians’ cultural manner of speaking. In line with the European Language Passport, our courses focus on the four language skills: listening, speaking (spoken interaction, spoken production), reading, and writing.
The Romanian language courses are taught by professors from the University of Bucharest, academics, and specialists in linguistics and communication, having a high degree of national and international experience in teaching and testing Romanian as a foreign language. Students will be divided into three or four groups (A1, A2, B1-B2, C1), according to their level, which will be initially tested.
Director of the Summer Courses
Assoc. Prof. Ionuț Geană
Honorary director of the Summer Courses
Prof. Habil. Oana Murăruș
People with a keen interest in Romanian language, culture and civilization.
The courses aim to provide participants with fluency and language competence in Romanian.
A. Intensive Romanian Language Courses
- The Intensive Romanian Language Courses are based on a communicational perspective, in that vocabulary and grammar will be constantly subject to interactive purposes. In other words, we won’t lay stress on theoretical knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, but on the students’ ability to communicate in everyday situations. At the same time, the students will become familiar with the main speech acts (apologies, thanking, and congratulating, complimenting, giving advice, expressing an emotion etc.) and with the Romanians’ cultural manner of speaking. In line with the European Language Passport, our courses focus on the four language skills: listening, speaking (spoken interaction, spoken production), reading, and writing.
- The Romanian language courses are given by the University of Bucharest academics, specialists in linguistics and communication, with a wide national and international experience in teaching and testing Romanian as a foreign language.
- Students will receive a textbook and various handouts (literary and nonliterary texts, newspapers and magazines, etc.), according to their level, and (when possible) to their individual option. We will use audio and video support, mainly for listening classes. Each classroom is equipped with a computer, sound station, video projector and screen.
- There will be an initial test to assess proficiency in Romanian and students will be divided into three or four groups according to their level.
Applicants are requested to specify their presumed language level in the application form.
- Language levels are the following:
Level A1-A2 (beginners) aims at the acquisition of basic phonetic, grammatical and lexical structures, integrated in everyday conversational topics (i.e. ‘Pleased to Meet You’, ‘What time is it?’, ‘On the Street’, ‘At the Supermarket’, ‘At the Market’, ‘At a Restaurant’, ‘At the Bank/Exchange Office’, ‘Weather. Climate’, ‘At the Station’, ‘At a Hotel’, ‘On the Phone’, ‘Hey, taxi!’, ‘My House’, ‘Family’, ‘Daily Schedule’, ‘At the Postal Office’ etc.). By the end of the course, the student will be able to interact in everyday, specific situations.
Level B1-B2 (intermediate) aims at improving grammar and at extending and refining vocabulary. The topics are to be extended based on the study of literary texts of average difficulty, of nonliterary texts (mainly journalistic), and on listening classes (excerpts from radio and television broadcasts). The student will become an independent speaker, improving his abilities of understanding and producing texts.
Level B2-C1 (advanced) aims at improving and refining grammar, vocabulary (synonyms, antonyms, specialized terminology, characteristics of spoken Romanian), phraseology, and stylistic registers of contemporary Romanian. The topics are to be widely extended based on the study of literary texts of increased difficulty, of nonliterary texts (according to the students’ interests) and on listening classes (excerpts from radio and television broadcasts). The student will become an experimented speaker, able to attain the native speaker levels of proficiency (C2).
- By the end of the summer school, students will receive an attendance certificate.
- On request, they can take a language proficiency test, based on the model of the European Language Passport. The certificate of language proficiency is issued by the University of Bucharest. Costs of the exam are included in the course participation fee.
- Romanian language courses schedule: 20 class hours per week (4 class hours a day), from 9.00 to 13.30 (coffee break 11:00-11:30). In Romania, the duration of a regular class hour is 50 minutes.
B. Lectures on Romanian Culture and Civilization
The Lectures on Romanian Culture and Civilization are given in Romanian by academics, specialists in culture, artists and are addressed to advanced students. Hence, for students in Level B2-C1, twice a week, the course programme includes advanced Lectures on Romanian Culture and Civilization.
C. Workshops
Students will attend, based on their level/group of Romanian, one of the following workshops, running twice a week from 15.00 to 17.30 (the scheduled hours can be modified according to circumstances):
1. Intensive listening (for advanced leaners): a very useful activity for advanced students and conference interpreters, which aims at improving the understanding of authentic oral texts.
2. Romanian Roots in (Traditional) Dance and Theatre (upper intermediate): a truly creative workshop which helps you express yourself through gesture and mimics and learn Romanian using dance, games and improvisational exercises.
3. Romanian Customs and Folklore Traditions (lower intermediate): a workshop destined to those interested in traditional culture, in folklore and ethnographical aspects.
4. Multimedia workshop (beginners): the workshop is conceived as an appendix to the A1 (beginners) classes. During the workshop, the students will listen to both standard textbook recordings and to fragments of real radio or TV shows. Based on these samples, the students will learn, analyze and acquire new linguistic structures.
Registration has three stages:
2. After checking your documents, Petronela Popescu will contact you and you are required to wire the participation fee (if you choose a single bed in “Academica” Guest House, transfer the whole amount, fee+accommodation, in one transaction). To simplify the procedure, please send your proof of payment (bank statement, payment order, screenshot from ebanking app) to
3. After payment confirmation, you will be issued the official letter of invitation to the 2024 edition of the Summer Courses.
Upon completion of the courses and the final test, participants will be awarded 3 credit points (ECTS).
EUR 750: Participation fee includes: participants’ registration, language courses, lectures, workshops, handouts for classes, two one-day trips, access to museums, welcome and goodbye cocktails, water, coffee, tea.
Upon request, participants may be accommodated at Academica University guest house
Housing options:
– single bed in a double room; the room has air conditioning, minifridge, bathroom – EUR 130/person for the entire duration of the summer courses
Students are expected to:
- participate in Romanian language courses
- attend the lectures (C1 Level participants)
- attend the workshop according to their level of Romanian proficiency
Petronela Popescu (administrativ)
Ionuț Geană (academic)
Gemma Cervera (Spania)
Acest curs mi-a permis sa rememorez limba româna, puțin pierdută după mulți ani în care am auzit-o doar la televiziune. Pe de o parte, mi se pare ca acest curs a fost prea intensiv pentru a fi un curs de vară, dar, în același timp, cred că mi-a permis sa învăț mai mult decât am învățat în alte cursuri similare. A fost și un prilej de a întâlni persoane foarte interesante si m-am simțit foarte bine cu profesorii, care au fost deosebit de atenți și receptivi cu noi toți. Mi-a plăcut foarte mult vizita de duminică de la Muzeul Satului, cu acel ghid atât de entuziast. Fără îndoiala, acest curs va fi unul dintre amintirile plăcute ale vieții mele.
Costanza Galanti (Italia)
When I arrived I only knew a few words in Romanian; at the end, I was able to understand easy discourses and make basic conversation. I would say therefore that the school provided me with the grammar tools to continue my learning through independent study and informal interactions, and for this I am beyond grateful.
Rebecca Ebner-Landy (Marea Britanie)
I’ve just had the most wonderful two weeks at the Summer School, met such interesting people and have managed to acquire a relatively good grasp of Romanian in the short time I was there. The trip wouldn’t have been the same without the fabulous directors, Alexandru and Ionuț who went above and beyond the make sure all our needs were catered for, and who put so much time and effort into making sure everything was fabulous. The teaching was of the highest calibre and during the time we spent in class every day, I felt consistently engaged and stimulated. The programme of events that was put on for us was varied and thoroughly enjoyable. Some highlights were Razvan’s dance workshops, the multicultural evening and the Karaoke night. The day trips were also wonderful and allowed us a real insight into Romanian life, culture and religion. I would without a doubt recommend the course to those seeking an immersive cultural experience in Romania, or for those who simply want to acquire some language skills and I really hope I can go back again myself at some point in the future. Thank you so much to all the organisers, teachers and participants for the truly memorable experience.
Ana Elisa Gil Vodermayer (Spania)
Cursul de vară 2019 de la Facultatea de Litere din București a fost in opinia mea foarte complet, cuprinzând orele de curs teoretice și practice intensive și avansate, conferințe privind diferite domenii, ateliere, excursii, concerte etc. Apreciez și foarte mult promovarea unității grupului întreg, compus din persoane de toate vârstele si provenite din diferite țări (Franța, Italia, SUA, Rusia, Polonia, Spania, Canada, Turcia, Brazilia, Anglia, Germania, Elveția, Coreea etc.). Și activitățile extrașcolare au fost foarte distractive și bine coordonate, inclusiv când am mers cu toții la karaoke! Este un curs foarte recomandabil, intensiv, variat și bine organizat.
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